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Junction Tourism & Kimble County Chamber of Commerce

Predator Calling Contest


March 1-2, 2025

$1,500 Payout | 90% Payback

Download Registration Form Here
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Gardner Ranch • Kimble Processing • M&M Plumbing+ • West Bear Creek

Download Registration Form Here or Register Online Here

Event Details
Early Registration Closes February 28 at 5:00 pm
Day of Registration: March 1 from 11am—12pm
Check In, Day of Registration, and Weigh-In will be at
R.A.M. Outdoor Accessories
located at
1402 Main Street in Junction, TX
Failure to check in by 12pm will result in team disqualification.
Contact [email protected] for more information.
Hunting Begins Noon on Saturday, March 1st    
Weigh-In is Noon on Sunday, March 2nd
Entry Fee: $200 Main Entry per team. Pays 1st thru 3rd places 
$20 Each Side Pots: Heaviest bobcat, coyote, fox, raccoon, & most fox
(No cap on side pots and winner takes all)
Point System: 100 Pts. Mountain Lion; 15 Pts. Bobcat; 10 Pts. Coyote;
10 Pts. Red Fox; 5 Pts. Grey Fox (Max # is 10 in main); 1 Pt. Raccoon

Contest Rules

  1. ​Must Follow County, State, & Federal Laws!!!!! All team members must have a valid hunting license and hunter’s education.
  2. Must enter Main Entry to enter side pots; no refunds.
  3. 4 members maximum per team, 2 member minimum. NO ONE-MAN TEAMS unless pre-approved by judges.
  4. All team members must be present at weigh-in on Sunday. No Exceptions!
  5. Only 10 Grey Fox will count towards main contest entry.
  6. Ties are broken with the total weight of all animals.
  7. All animals must be harvested between noon Saturday and noon Sunday.
  8. All animals will be checked for freshness. No trapped, snared, cage-raised, or frozen animals allowed - anyone bringing in such animals will be disqualified.
  9. No modifying the weight of animals in any way, no wet animals will be weighed/counted.
  10. Teams call animals with hand calls, lips, squeaking or electronics. No hunting baited areas.
  11. Trolling is legal (driving around while playing caller and/or shining a light).
  12.  The use of any aircraft or dog is prohibited (teams may use a dog to locate a wounded animal, but not to hunt animals).
  13. No pooling of animals. Giving, exchanging, or accepting any animal from ANYONE during the hunt results in immediate team disqualification and the team will be banned from the hunt.
  14. Participants must hunt in Texas. Teams are responsible for their own hunting land during the hunt.
  15.  Teams may split up during the day on the same property, but must hunt together at night in the same vehicle.
  16. Rules are subject to change without further notice from sponsors and/or contest personnel.
  17. The decision of judges is FINAL (judges will hunt in contest).
  18. All winning teams could be subject to polygraph test.
*** Winner must be 18 yrs. of age, but can be awarded to parent or legal guardian.
*** Winner subject to passing NICS background check.