March 1-2, 2025
$1,500 Payout | 90% Payback
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Gardner Ranch • Kimble Processing • M&M Plumbing+ • West Bear Creek
Download Registration Form Here or Register Online Here
Event Details
Early Registration Closes February 28 at 5:00 pm
Day of Registration: March 1 from 11am—12pm
Check In, Day of Registration, and Weigh-In will be at
R.A.M. Outdoor Accessories
located at
1402 Main Street in Junction, TX
Failure to check in by 12pm will result in team disqualification.
Contact [email protected] for more information.
Hunting Begins Noon on Saturday, March 1st
Weigh-In is Noon on Sunday, March 2nd
Entry Fee: $200 Main Entry per team. Pays 1st thru 3rd places
$20 Each Side Pots: Heaviest bobcat, coyote, fox, raccoon, & most fox
(No cap on side pots and winner takes all)
Point System: 100 Pts. Mountain Lion; 15 Pts. Bobcat; 10 Pts. Coyote;
10 Pts. Red Fox; 5 Pts. Grey Fox (Max # is 10 in main); 1 Pt. Raccoon
Contest Rules
- Must Follow County, State, & Federal Laws!!!!! All team members must have a valid hunting license and hunter’s education.
- Must enter Main Entry to enter side pots; no refunds.
- 4 members maximum per team, 2 member minimum. NO ONE-MAN TEAMS unless pre-approved by judges.
- All team members must be present at weigh-in on Sunday. No Exceptions!
- Only 10 Grey Fox will count towards main contest entry.
- Ties are broken with the total weight of all animals.
- All animals must be harvested between noon Saturday and noon Sunday.
- All animals will be checked for freshness. No trapped, snared, cage-raised, or frozen animals allowed - anyone bringing in such animals will be disqualified.
- No modifying the weight of animals in any way, no wet animals will be weighed/counted.
- Teams call animals with hand calls, lips, squeaking or electronics. No hunting baited areas.
- Trolling is legal (driving around while playing caller and/or shining a light).
- The use of any aircraft or dog is prohibited (teams may use a dog to locate a wounded animal, but not to hunt animals).
- No pooling of animals. Giving, exchanging, or accepting any animal from ANYONE during the hunt results in immediate team disqualification and the team will be banned from the hunt.
- Participants must hunt in Texas. Teams are responsible for their own hunting land during the hunt.
- Teams may split up during the day on the same property, but must hunt together at night in the same vehicle.
- Rules are subject to change without further notice from sponsors and/or contest personnel.
- The decision of judges is FINAL (judges will hunt in contest).
- All winning teams could be subject to polygraph test.
*** Winner subject to passing NICS background check.